What’s up in November and December?!
Certainly, you’ve noticed that around the world and in different cultures, the months of November and December are full of various celebrations. But what’s the real story? Nations and cultures are so diverse! Geographical borders and customs sometimes differ drastically. So, what’s the deal?!In reality, the roots of this matter lie in agriculture, astronomy, culture, and religion of different regions. Let’s examine these roots to see what we can understand:
Agricultural Cycles:
Late autumn marks the end of the agricultural season and the final harvest. Farmers reap what they have sown during this period and gather the fruits of their labor after months of hard work. The abundance of crops, the fruition of efforts, and the relief that comes after a long period of strenuous work demand celebration and joy! As a result, this time of the year is marked by harvest festivals around the world. Harvest festivals have been common in the history of our country, and they are still celebrated in many regions.
End and Beginning:
Social and Psychological Needs:
In the northern hemisphere, where the weather becomes very cold and the days become shorter, there is a greater inclination towards social gatherings and replacing the warmth lost from the weather with the warmth of companionship and friendship during this time of the year.
Cultural Integration:
People worldwide are influenced by each other’s customs and traditions, and many celebrations and customs blend together. For example, historians believe that the celebration of Christmas on December 25th may be influenced by the celebration of “Saturnalia,” the ancient Roman festival dedicated to the god Saturn! In our country, throughout the centuries, we have interacted with the cultures and empires of our neighbors. While we may not celebrate Christmas, the Christian minority do, and we have always been familiar with their culture and customs.