History of Sohan

The history of Sohan and its creation goes back to the lunar years 1289 to 1290 and an important ceremony. That day, a delicious sweet was called Sohan for the first time in history.

On that day, Qajar elders and representatives had gathered and the Shah had sent his representative. One of the elders named Ibrahim Shamai presented a halva prepared with sugar to the Shah’s representative. And guess what! He was delighted to taste this halva and compared it to a file that cuts iron (Because Halva had digested her food like a file that cuts iron). In our country Sohan means file!

He took that halva to the Shah and from that day the name of this delicious sweet became “Sohan”! Sohan was made with flour and sugar, pistachios, saffron, oil and rose water. But later, wheat germ flour replaced regular flour, so that today Sohan has a special crispness and taste, and it has become popular among people.

Now, a simple halva has turned into a confection, which is produced in different types and has a lot of variety! With pistachio or almond, honey and butter, sohan-gaz bite, cube, etc. Long story short: The world of Sohans has expanded and they are becoming more known day by day. We have several models of the most popular file types on our website that you can order online from anywhere in the world.

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